“We must be linked to collective struggle, to communities of resistance that move us outward, into the world.”

- bell hooks

Collective Psychotherapy (Groups)

I am very inspired by our collective consciousness. I believe that many Black, Indigenous, and People of Color share a common experience of collectivist cultural roots which ties to how we locate and prioritize ourselves in family and community. I visualize all of us holding a beautiful thread that grounds us as we share our dreams and invite in our ancestors to hold space with us—pulling us inward to hear their wisdom.

I believe that groups or collective work can bring us closer to connection. Collective work is also more accessible to those of us who feel inspired by the wisdom of the community. My intention with group offerings is to drop into the collective dream, access our ancestors, and weave the story of powerful connection. Group will remain small, intimate, online, or in-person depending on the topic. Click here for upcoming offerings or sign up for my email list below to get notifications.

  • Is it for me?

    Many who participate in my group process are:

    • are open to collective ancestral exploration

    • ready to transition out of isolation and re-connect to the community

    • feel a call to deepen their work with like-minded community members

    • curious about the collective creative process

    • are interested in dreamwork and non-ordinary ways of knowing

    • are open to art creation, acts of movement, and moments of silence

    • willing to be open, curious, and vulnerable

    • can coexist and respect others of intersecting identities and cultural experiences different than their own

    • willing to be patient and honest as we actively unfold and decolonize sacred space as a group

    • are committed to doing their own work to show up present and fully in the community

    • are kind and generous to themselves and others as we peel back the layers, soothe our wounds and reach into our truth

  • How will we work together?

    Each group will be constructed around a theme. I typically offer arts-based, highly imaginal, and intentionally relational space for collective psychotherapy (group therapy). We will co-create space that invites the possibility to get to know one another at a depth that feels comfortable and authentic. The group will form its own rhythm as we engage in creative processes and explore the collective unconscious.

    General outline for groups include (may change depending on group topic):

    • small groups of up to 5 participants

    • closed groups-no new members after the second meeting of the group

    • creation of group norms and/or guidelines

    • simple art supply list

    • 6 to 8 weeks in length meeting once a week

  • What happens in collective (group) therapy?

    Experiential processes may include:

    • collective grounding or mindfulness

    • somatic explorations to connect to our bodies

    • music and movement

    • drawing, painting, collage

    • working on dreams collectively

    • storytelling

    • dollmaking

    • collective altar-building

    • community ritual

    • poetry, journaling, creative writing

    • use of tarot, oracle, or affirmation cards

    *no art experience is necessary or required

    **a simple art supply list will be provided for each group

"We are living in a dream that is dreaming us…”

-San Elder